
Book Review - The Most Important Place on Earth

Title: The Most Important Place on Earth: What a Christian Home looks like and how to Build One
Author: Robert Wolgemuth

Raising our children in a Christian home is an important part of our responsibilities as parents. However, sometimes it is difficult to know where to begin, especially when you might not have been raised in a Christian home yourself. Robert Wolgemuth lays out simple definitions, principles and ideas to help you be intentional and successful in creating a healthy, God-centered environment for your family.

One thing I love about Robert’s style is that he is not sharing the “10 Principles for creating a Christian Home” or “How to Create a Christian Home in 3 Easy Steps.” He shares key values - like the power of words and the importance of laugher – and then he shares practical ideas that have worked for him. He gives you some vital components of a Christian home and a starting point for implementing ideas that work for your family.

As we build our Christian home, we develop not only a ministry to our children, but to everyone who visits our home. As Robert notes, “God is exactly what a Christian home should smell like. The moment folks walk through the front door, there should be something – although completely invisible – that reminds them of the God of the universe. And when your kids show up at work or school, there shodl be a trace of secondhand smell that others can quickly detect.”

As parents, we cannot leave the responsibility of the spiritual development of our children to the children’s or youth ministry at church. We must begin at home. The Most Important Place on Earth is a great resource in helping us to do just that.

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